Today, columns object creation sequence determine the column position at grid/list.
Would like to have a new property to specify that instead.
This is useful when dealing with responsive apps. where if you could change order sequence, it would be easier and better to create a better layout.
for example:
in desktop/tablets, I want this:
while in mobiles, I want the 2nd column going to the 2nd line, while keeping the 3rd/4th column at the 1st line.
this is a much better layout, than keeping the description as 2nd column.
Please, note that I am not talking about piColumnId property. This one needs to be kept as it is, which is used to fill-up the grid/list with data to the correct column.
What I am asking is a new web responsive property that just controls the visual sequence of columns appearing in the list, so we can switch that on the fly.
piColumSequenceOrder or any better name.