Am I just being a numpty here, or am I just being a numpty? It's late in the day (well, 4.30pm but that's late for me, as my brain only works mornings) and I just cannot see the wood for the trees.

I have some code (generic, in a webview subclass) that amongst other things gets Server_File_Count and then loops through the Server_Files. Basically something like:

Get Main_dd to hoMain_dd
If (hoMain_dd>0) Begin
    Get Server_File_Count of hoMain_dd to iCount
    For iServer from 0 to (iCount-1)
        Get Server_File of hoMain_DD iServer to iTable
        Get Which_Data_Set of hoMain_DD iTable to hoTable
        if (hoTable>0) Begin
            // .. blah blah
And this is all fine, until such a DDO inside a view has pbUseDDRelates set to True, in which case, even though the DDO contains the line "Set Server to ...", Server_File_Count always comes back as zero.

Short of looping through all the fields and using Field_Related_File or whatever, is there really no other way I can get a list of what the DDO understands to be its parents/servers? I don't really want to have to add "Add_Server_File" to all such DDO structures. Feels like there must be way. No?