Strange one.

I have a SQL View that loads from a transactional data table and has several left joins (essentially allows me to see an aggregate of type A, B, C, and D transaction rows for a given foreign key value into single view row)

I have a single, client-type, 2-segment, index defined on the view which is typically based on a single Foreign Key field and a non-foreign key field

My app loads this data into a cWebList housed in a cWebDialog. The view DD is SQL Filter constrained in the first FK field set by Dialog's On Show.

- If I use peDbGridType of gtAllData, no index based ordering in the DD, and a piSortColumn, the application HANGS on server load (login never happens)

- If I set the index to use one FK type field and any one of several non-FK fields, set the index order at DD level, and peDbGridType to gtAutomatic, the application HANGS.

- If I use the index with the first FK type field and a second FK field, set the index order at DD level, and peDbGridType to gtAutomatic, the application DOES NOT HANG.

If I load the SQL view (table) via the Studios View Table option, it has no constraint and HANGS. I assume this is because the transaction table is VERY large and needs to be constrained.

So it seems as though the view is trying to load during application start up and HANGS because its not constrained. But this ONLY happens if the 2nd index field is other than a particular FK field.

The app never makes it to the opening of the Modal Dialog. A breakpoint in the Lists DD's OnConstrain does not fire during app load.

I've never seen this behavior where the app load is finicky based on a SQL views client side index definition and the finicky field is not part of a constraint.
