Hello everyone.
I am developing a web application with a mysql database.
I have some stored procedures that take a long time and I have the risk of an IIS time-out.
Therefore I am asking if there is a possibility to execute the stored procedures in the background (obviously without information return).
The Dataflex code is as follows:
Procedure gpSqlStoredProcedure Global String sStoredProcedure String[] aArguments
    Integer iSize iCount
    Handle hoConnect hoStmt
    Move (SizeOfArray(aArguments)) to iSize
    Get SQLConnectionId of ghoConnection "EasyflexDitta000" to hoConnect
    Get SQLOpen of hoConnect to hoStmt
    Send SQLSetProcedurename of hoStmt sStoredProcedure
    For iCount from 1 to iSize
        Send SQLSetArgument of hoStmt iCount aArguments[iCount-1]
    Send SQLCall of hoStmt
    Send SQLClose of hoStmt
    Send SQLDisconnect of hoConnect
Thank you