Recently we moved over from Reports 8.2 to Reports 24.
Now a customer complains that in certain situations an extra page is being printed.
We have a report with a few header sections, then a middle section and then a bunch of sections who are marked to "print at bottom of page" and "Print next section on same page".
The section printed at the bottom of the page consists about half a page.
In 8.2 a report was printed with 2 pages. The first page contains a header, and some detail lines.
The second page consists of a piece of the header and then the bottom part.
Now in 24. There are 3 pages being printed. A extra page is printed as the second page with just the header.
But if we look, there is plenty of empty room between the header bit and the bottom bit.
I highly suspect that the culprit is a memo field with a bunch of text in who is being printed i a bottom section.
If I replace this memo with the same text but in a text box, then just 2 pages are being printed. Also changing it to a function field who uses a sql statement who fetches the memo field.
Anyone had a problem like this? Or does anyone know why memo behaves differently in DR24?