Report wont print to the selected printer for some reason
Using the code below, i am sending RunReport to the report object.
I am setting the printer name, the printer name does exist on the computer with the exact same name. But still it prints to the default printer?!
This is latest DF Report ver 24.0
Object oTestReceiptReport is a cDRReport
Set Size to 0 0
Set Location to 0 0
Set psReportName to "TestReceiptPrinter.dr"
Set pbShowStatusPanel to False
Set peOutputDestination to PRINT_TO_PRINTER_NO_DIALOG
Procedure OnInitializeReport
String sReportId
Forward Send OnInitializeReport
Get psReportId to sReportId
Send ChangeODBCDataSource of ghoReportWriterGlobalFunctions sReportId Self
Martin Arvidsson, Data Martin i Kungsbacka AB
I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three.