Hi Vincent,
thank you for your response.

Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Oorsprong View Post
and see no problems. I also tested without the parentheses around the number variable and see no difference.
yes, you are right; I did more testing and I discovered that the application compiled under DF19.1 and the one compiled under DF21 runs with different conditions.
But I learned a new (for me ) lesson: if the numeric variable is not initialized the append and + operator produce two different results

Procedure Test
            String sResult
            Integer nValue
            // nValue not initialized; concatenation using +
            Move "xxxx" to sResult
            Move (sResult + (String(nValue))) to sResult
            Showln "1:" sResult
            // nValue not initialized; concatenation using Append
            Move "xxxx" to sResult
            Move (Append(sResult,(nValue))) to sResult
            Showln "2:" sResult
            // nValue initialized; concatenation using Append
            Move 0 to nValue
            Move "xxxx" to sResult
            Move (Append(sResult,(nValue))) to sResult
            Showln "3:" sResult

2:xxxx   <---- 
But as you said, the behaviour is the same in DF.19 and DF21 and above.

Thank you for your help, have a nice day