I have the following line that will produce two different result if compiled in DF 19.x or DF >= 21.x and if the numeric numRecord_D variable is zero
String sRecord
Number numRecord_D
Move "xxxxx" to sRecord
Move 0 to numRecord_D
Move (Append(sRecord,(numRecord_D))) to sRecord
In DF from version 7 to 19.x will produce "xxxxx0" but in DF >= 21.x will produce "xxxxx" without the 0
I need to convert the code in the following way to obtain the same "expected" result that is "xxxxx0"
String sRecord
Number numRecord_D
Move "xxxxx" to sRecord
Move 0 to numRecord_D
Move (sRecord + (String(numRecord_D))) to sRecord
Can anyone explain to me which programming concepts are there behind this? I would like to understand why this happens because I need to identify the code to change to be able to port my applications from 19 to >=21.x
Thank you very much, kind regards