I realize 19.1 is a bit long in the tooth, but figured I post this in case anyone has suggestions...

A customer reported application crashes after installing a year end update to the software. Crash happens after printing payroll checks. They reported if they "move the mouse" while printing it crashes when it is done printing.

The actual story is that after check printing is done, if the mouse pointer is moved over a radio button or checkbox that is in the payroll check printing window, the label disappears. When the user tries to go to the menu to open another program option, the program stops responding and crashes shortly after selecting.

I also observed if the user tries to click on a Cancel button (which simply sends close_panel) the program goes not responding and a crash gets triggered after several seconds.

But if the user closes the payroll check printing window once printing is done using the X at the top right corner of the window... no crash.

No major changes to this program option that I can point to compared to the version they were on previously.

Operating system that we have observed this behavior on is Windows 11, but they claim it is happening on Windows 10 workstations as well.

We have 450+ customers so far running on this version of the program (or newer), and no reports of similar issues.

Exception code 0xc0000094 is a divide by zero. The fault offset on both errors is 0x00005763 if that helps.

We are trying a few other scenarios to try to narrow this down. I may get a 24.0 version of the program up and running to see if we can duplicate the problem on the current version. Also we'll try duplicating on their server and possibly on a backup of their files here to see if it's somehow OS or environment related.

Open to any ideas or suggestions though. Thanks!