I am pretty sure a similar issue has been posted before, and I was looking for a hot-fix for DF 19.1 but, did not find anything..
DF 19.1 on mobile devices.. Issue does not happens in regular desktop browsers.
Open the zoom view in new-Record mode. (DrillDown app view)
have a numeric webform in a view, data-bound (DEO).
Just tap on it, so it receives the focus.
Then try to leaving the view, without changing anything.
You will be prompt by "DataLoss" confirmation message.. The dd Field changed state has been flagged to true.
Issue does not happens in DF 24. I don't know when it has been fixed. If I remember correctly, it was an issue a js layer, something like comparing "" with "0" , was triggering the psValue to be changed.
So looking for a hot-fix for 19.1 if possible.
If you want to reproduce this:
In WebOrderMobile workspace 19.1
In ZoomCustomer.wo view, place this line of code inside Customer ddo:
Object oCustomerDataDictionary is a cCustomerDataDictionary
Set Field_Option Field Customer.Customer_Number DD_NOPUT to False
compile, run app, select Customer Query from menu, then "Add New" from action bar.
In the zoom customer, tap on id form. then try to leave the view.