Mobile devices
I need to perform a form validation, while navigating, and not just when saving the record. (please don't ask why)
So, I am forced to use OnBlur to trigger the validation, as suggested by the help, as onValidate is not triggered automatically on mobile browsers..
This works fine to show the error message at the form control. Problem is when user cancel the view, realizing it won't be able to proceed, and navigate back, the error messega keeps showing at the screen, at the top.
error was triggered at the zoom view, but when navigating back, the error msgs is kept at screen.
This was originally detected in 19.1, but I was able to reproduce it in DF 24. As far as I can tell, nothing at the server side code from my end is getting executed to show the error msg again.
So I believe it's a js side thing.. but my js knowledge prevents me to debug it in a mobile device.. the problem does not happens in a real desktop browser..
Attached is a modified ZoomSalesPerson.wo view, that reproduces the issue.
Run WebOrderMobile compiled with this view.
Open "Sales Person Query" option from menu ;
Click New button at action bar ;
At Id form, try exit without a value, or with XX value ; (error will be shown) ;
Then click in navigate back button at header ;
Appreciate any assistance... (specially if a hot-fix is possible) Customer is complaining about it.. at a live system.