I am moving a Web Application from 19.1 to 24.0 and I am running into a problem with the security layer. As per the sample example below. I have a button that's only available on mobile. So by default it's not rendered and has a responsive rule to render it on a mobile sized screen.

However when the button is rendered and I click the button I get the following error..

D:\Apps\DataFlex 24.0 Examples\WebOrder\Programs\WebApp.exe
Server Action Security Check Error Executing this web method 'ONCLICK' is not allowed by the target object 'oMobile_Button'.
DataFlex Error#: 4430 in line: 17309.

GET_HANDLEACTION (5779) - oMobile_Button (1976) - at address 17309
MSG_CALL_ACTION (5679) - oWebApp (22) - at address 21077
MSG_PROCESSREQUEST (5665) - oWebApp (22) - at address 16528
MSG_ONHTTPPOST (5631) - oWebServiceDispatcher (45) - at address 28635
MSG_ONHTTPREQUEST (5448) - oWebServiceDispatcher (45) - at address 15983
MSG_HANDLEHTTPREQUEST (5411) - oWebServiceDispatcher (45) - at address 16021
MSG_ONHTTPREQUEST (5448) - oVDFInetSession (24) - at address 14837
MSG_STARTWEBAPP (5655) - oWebApp (22) - at address 16380
[start] - at address 56970

When I check if it's rendered (using a WebGet), which the second button does, it's always false.

Use cWebView.pkg
Use cWebPanel.pkg
Use cWebForm.pkg 

Object oSecuritytest is a cWebView
    Set piWidth to 700
    Set psCaption To "Security Test"
    Set piColumnCount To 4
    WebSetResponsive piColumnCount rmMobile To 2

    Object oMobile_Button is a cWebButton
        Set psCaption To "Mobile Button"
        Set pbRender To False
        WebSetResponsive pbRender rmMobile To True
        Procedure OnClick
            Send ShowInfoBox "Mobile Clicked"

    Object oState_Button is a cWebButton
        Set psCaption To "Render States"
        Procedure OnClick
            Boolean bRendered
            WebGet pbRender Of oMobile_Button To bRendered
            Send ShowInfoBox (SFormat("Rendered: %1", bRendered))