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Thread: Where is the FlexAppUser?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Malmö, Sweden

    Default Where is the FlexAppUser?

    I'm trying to create my first FlexTron application and generated a workspace. But there is no SessionManager, no User table and I cannot find any property to activate it. Should I start by creating a web application? I also searched for SecMod on, but could not find anything to download.
    Not sure how to procede here, I do not want to start by building my own user management functionallity from scratch when I know there are solutions for this already.

    Just want to return with a status where I'm at befor I go on weekend.

    I have downloaded Plato, copied SecMod from there. Added the tables and ini files, so I have them in the FileList.
    Then I had to update the sws-file with version 25.0 and added some code in the .src-file to ensure that SecMod get activated.

    At the moment I still have the following errors though.
    ----Compiler Error Summary----
    - Error 4328: C:\DataFlex Projects\frontiot\ServerManagerFlxTest\Lib\SecMod\ AppSrc\cMailer.pkg (ln 407) Undefined symbol in argument OAPPLICATION
    - Error 4345: C:\DataFlex Projects\frontiot\ServerManagerFlxTest\Lib\SecMod\ AppSrc\SecMod\MobileUI\oSecModMobileLoginDialog.wo (ln 85) Type check error U_CWEBCHECKBOX, MUST BE DEFINED
    -- Error 4328: Undefined symbol in argument U_CWEBCHECKBOX
    - Error 4328: C:\DataFlex Projects\frontiot\ServerManagerFlxTest\AppSrc\Serv erManagerFlxTest.src (ln 187) Undefined symbol in argument SECMODREDIRECT
    - Error 4328: C:\DataFlex Projects\frontiot\ServerManagerFlxTest\AppSrc\Serv erManagerFlxTest.src (ln 200) Undefined symbol in argument OWEBAPP

    The intention was to prepare for a quick video where I create a dummy workspace in flextron with a basic user login... 3 hours later I'm not sure I'm even on the right path...
    Last edited by Johan; 8-Nov-2024 at 12:02 PM.

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