Originally Posted by
Harm Wibier
Hi Dave,
The cLocalWebResourceManager mimics the functionality of the cWebResourceManager in an actual WebApp. So the idea is that that you use Get DownloadUrl to generate a file streaming URL for a local file path. The psResourceUrl and psUploadUrl are virtual url's within the system and unless you want to change the inner workings of the resource manager it is not recommended to change them.
thanks Harm,
I had tried and given up on that already, but revisited it
Object oLocalWebResourceManager is a cLocalWebResourceManager
Set pbAllowInvalidDownloadUrl to True
Set pbAllowUnregisteredFolders to True
and then
Procedure OnRowClick String sRowId Integer iColumnIndex
String sDoc sURL
Move (fPathKF("PATHDOCS")) to sPath
Move (Trim(DOCUMENTS.document)) to sDoc
Get DownloadURL of oLocalWebResourceManager (sPath+sDoc) to sURL
WebSet psURL of oPDFViewer to sURL
works apparently perfectly. Thanks very much for the insight