The SQL Connect/Repair Wizard is excellent in many ways and helps a lot when something is a miss between an SQL database and the Studio.

However, one little glitch that could be improved involves system tables.
When selecting "Custom - Ignore INT and connect keeping just the Filelist number for connected tables"
- Select a system table
- Hit Next a couple of times and leave the default "Yes, search for Primary and Foreign Keys in the defined tables" and hit Next a couple of times.
- If the .int file was incorrect and the .int file e.g. contained a reference to a: "INDEX_NUMBER 0",
the wizard will display a column list to select a key from...

Well, as this is a system file that won't quite work. It would IMHO be an great improvement, if there was a checkbox or such to indicate that this is in fact a system table.

As it is now, the only way, that I've found, is to select any column as the primary key. Ending the wizard, load the table in the Studio, delete the index and set the table to "is system table - True" in the properties dialog. Not exactly intuitive!

Hope this all make sense.