To Dac
- Dataflex 24.0 -
In order not to write useless pdf files in the cache folder I thought of using the cWebDRReportViewer class before printing the final print.
Unfortunately I am encountering problems both in the quality of the print and in the layout when I print through the cWebDRReportViewer object.
I am attaching pdf files that you can compare.
the first pdf file, badly printed, "EasyFlexWeb - Stampa Frontalini_Cartelloni.pdf" is generated through the cWebDRReportViewer object.
Even the QR code is printed badly!
The second pdf file, perfect, "98C29AB9-822D-4E60-B21D-011AC31BAA16.pdf" is generated directly from the report object
How can I solve the problem?
Best Regards