
I have a couple of suggestionss for future versions of DF.

Code generation for Setter and Getter of a property

Specifying a property like:

Property Integer _piMyPrivateProperty

right-click on the property and select fex "Generate Setter and Getter", popups up a dialog for entering a name.

Would result in the folowing:

    {Visibility=Private} // Not that it sets the Vivibility flag here as well
    Property Integer _piMyPrivateProperty

    Procedure Set MyProperty integer iValue
        set _PiMyPrivateProperty of self to iValue

    Function MyProperty returns integer
        function_return (_piMyprivateProperty(self))
When writing code and i write a code like Move table.myfield to iMyVal, and the iMyVal is not declared it would create the Integer iMyVal at the top of proc or func.
In this case it could get what myfield is and genereate the appropriate variable declaration, if it can not determin that, display a list and the user can select, and perhaps the defaul selection could be based on the prefix (i) to make it integer