Trying to have the focus on the oPrivate form when the panel loads, but it never does. It's the only form on the panel so I'm sure I'm missing something huge...

    Object oWebMainPanel is a cWebPanel
        Set piColumnCount to 12
        WebSetResponsive piColumnCount rmMobile to 6
        Set pbServerOnShow to True

        Procedure OnShow
            Forward Send OnShow            
            Send Focus of oPrivate 

        Object oPrivate is a cMyWebIntForm 
            Set piColumnIndex to 3 
            Set peDataType to typeNumber
            Set piColumnSpan to 3
            Set piPrecision to 0
            Set piMaxLength to 5
            Set pbServerOnBlur to True
            Set pbAutoTab to True
            Set pbPassword to True
            Set psLabel to "Private Code"
            Set peAlign to  alignCenter
            WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oRcptItems
            Procedure Focus
                Forward Send Focus
                WebSet psValue to ""
            Procedure OnBlur
                String sValue sRet
                Handle hoNext
                Forward Send OnBlur
                WebGet psValue to sValue
                If (sValue="") Procedure_Return 1
                Get CheckPrivateCode sValue 30 to sRet
                If (sRet<>"") Begin 
                    Send UserError sRet
                    Procedure_Return 1
                Send NavigateForward to oRcptItems Self

