Output separate pages in one view/pdf
Hi -
DR 8.2 RDS.
I have a situation where I want to output x number of pages all on separate pages, but in the same document.
Header/Child. Child has (for example) 30 lines. I want a page with the header & parameters & the first 10 lines, then the same header, different parameters & then lines 11-20, then same header, different parameters & lines 21-30.
I've succeeded in a loop that does an export sort of OK - presenting the export dialog x times, but the viewer flickers & ends up showing the last page - this is using a routine that sends RunReport x times.
Is there some way I can do a loop that will put all x pages in the viewer with x pages & in a PDF with x pages?
It's probably obvious - but I'm not seeing it.
Time for an oldie but goodie:
"If it ain't broke, you're not trying." - Red Green