
Yes. Thanks for getting back to me (I'll buy you a beer in The Old Crown tomorrow evening ).

In WebOrder, change the code in Inventory.wo to:

        Object oVendorID is a cWebParentCombo // cWebForm
            Entry_Item Vendor.ID            
            Set peDataType to typeString
            Set piColumnSpan to 4
            Set piColumnIndex to 0
            Set psLabel to "Vendor ID:"
            Set peLabelAlign to alignRight
        Object oVendorName is a cWebParentCombo // cWebForm
            Entry_Item Vendor.Name
            Set piColumnSpan to 6
            Set piColumnIndex to 4
            Set psLabel to "Vendor Name:"
            Set peLabelAlign to alignRight
Compile & Run, then open the Inventory Maintenance view.

Find an Inventory record. Use the Vendor ID combo to select a different Vendor. Now when I do that the Vendor Name doesn't change to reflect the changed ID; a Save & Refind shows that the record has not been changed.

However if I use the Vendor Name combo to select a different Vendor, although the ID isn't changed in its combo at that point, doing a Save & Refind shows that this time the record has been changed.

It feels as though the Vendor ID combo isn't really properly bound to the data. During the save process the parent vendor record never gets changed to the selected one if using the ID, but it does if using the Name.
