Hello everyone,
Since we transfered to DF24 and the newest DR 24.0 we have been experiences application crashes whenever something needs to be printed.
DF and DR version are 24.0 but the servers where these issues happen are running Windows server 2012.
We haven't experienced any issues on all other servers where our applications run.
The logging gives back the following whenever this happens:
A fatal runtime error occurred, causing the following application to crash: <Application folder + name>.
Access Violation.
While executing instruction:
In which the following callstack was provided:
GET_INVOKECOMMETHOD (1374) - oDispatchDriver (3076) - at address 170387
MSG_COMREPORTEXPORT (17960) - oDRReport (3075) - at address 170387
MSG_EXPORTREPORT (18236) - oDRReport (3075) - at address 177766
So far we haven't found anything that would cause this access violation.
Has anyone experienced this already / before and do they know if / how to fix this?