Under DF19 in a windows app I could include logic such as this...

Handle hParser hDictionary
Get Create U_cJSONParser to hParser
Get Create U_cJSONDictionary to hDictionary

But in our webapp working in DF23 those types of command lines generate compiler errors...

- Error 4306: C:\DEV\MemSysWeb\AppSrc\MailChimpAPI.pkg (ln 333) Forward reference not resolved MSG_U_CJSONPARSER
- Error 4306: C:\DEV\MemSysWeb\AppSrc\MailChimpAPI.pkg (ln 334) Forward reference not resolved MSG_U_CJSONDICTIONARY
- Error 4306: C:\DEV\MemSysWeb\AppSrc\MailChimpAPI.pkg (ln 505) Forward reference not resolved MSG_PARSE

I tried a global search in the DF19 app for "U_cJSONParser" but zero hits. But somehow it is defined somewhere.
If U_cJSONParser is not valid in DF23 what is the equivalent? Thanks!
