Here's a question about timeouts. There appears to be one type of timeout for plain old idle time where user walks away from a session in an entry view, with the cursor is sitting "forever" not moving. I believe that we have this idle-time timeout set to six hours.

Then we have some long reports that seems to stall the session because they've exceeded another type of timeout, and far less time is allowed the report before that timeout bites - minutes - not hours. I'm not sure if it's Chrome or the webapp session doing the biting. I'm hoping to render the report timeout issue moot by recoding the db-heavy-lift portion of dataset prep to SQLExecDirect. The report in question has to scan through three fiscal years of payments and so it takes a long time using DF DDO logic.

1. Is it a WebApp or Chrome timeout? In other words, the report (as this is written) is seen to be still running "Audit in progress..." seen over a darkened view of the report view panel. It's been about 25 minutes. It doesn't take 25 minutes for DF DDO search to plough through 3 FY's of payments - but it does take long enough that it appears the timeout was reached, whatever it is.

2. Is there a way to give WebApp and/or the browser mooore time? If not, then I'll have to hope a SQL treatment will render the timeout issue moot. Eh?
