OnDataReceived I'm really not sure
It's Friday so I'm probably completely missing something
cHTTPTransfer and cJSONTransfer use a variation of OnDataReceived and always have since the year dot
This makes the process asynchronous
I've played with it a little in the past but never really used it in anger (until today)
I'm looking at removing Chilkat from some processes
Chilkat is very much synchronous in terms of the DF code
You write a method that makes a HTTP call and you can deal with the response from that all all in that one method
Currently I have about 25 calls
What do people do with cHTTPTransfer ?
Unless I am missing something I need a method to make the call
The augment OnDataReceived to test for valid JSON if not save in a property and append the next block
When I do have valid JSON I then need a property to tell me what type of call I have made and then a case statement to pass the valid JSON to a method that can cope with it
All seems a bit disjointed? Or am I missing something obvious?
Was a synchronous mode ever considered for cHTTPTransfer?
However cJSONTransfer code does look like it might be more syncronous as it says it returns json objects from it's calls but it still uses HttpVerbAddrRequest unless I am missing some hidden or not so hidden magic
Are others making many different calls using these classes?
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm - Winston Churchill