Question #1 - Is AWS Workspaces a DAW supported environment for DataFlex?
Question #2 - Is anyone actively using AWS Workspaces?

I'm asking these questions because my customer is using AWS Workspaces in a production environment. For the most part it works quite well, relatively the same speed as with local servers and no glaring problems except for one. In a recent thread I outlined a problem that we have been having where exiting our main DF program would 99% of the time throw Windows errors. Since this only happens when exiting we kind of put it on the back burner in favor of more pressing issues.

We recently installed the DF examples on an AWS Workspace and surprise! We found that the order entry example with the embedded db throws the exact same errors as described in the previous thread. All we need to do to see the errors is:
  1. Run the Order Entry executable - don't need the Studio
  2. Find an order
  3. Make a change using any combobox - simply select a new "ship via" in the order view or the state in the customer view.
  4. Save
  5. Exit the application

I can change any other field in either of the above views and no exit errors but if I change any comboform Voila! I get the errors when I exit the program.

Can anyone else verify this?

The errors:
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	AWS Error.jpg 
Views:	301 
Size:	19.8 KB 
ID:	14655