Trying to intercept when user selects a file from the dialog... but this event is never fired..

DF 20.

augumenting the event in weborder sample...

        Object oWebFileUploader2 is a cWebFileUploadForm
            Set piColumnSpan to 8
            Set psLabel to "File:"
            Set psAccept to "image/*,.jpg,.png,.bmp,.gif" // Note that older browsers do not support filtering on mime types
            Set pbAutoStart to False
            Set pbShowMime to True
//            Set pbAutoStart to True
            // Called for each file upload to generate the local path where the file is stored.
            Function OnFileUpload String sFileName Integer iBytes String sMime Returns String
                String sPath
                // Use default upload folder
                Get UploadFolder of ghoWebApp True to sPath
                Move (sPath + "\" + sFileName) to sPath
                Function_Return sPath
            Procedure OnFileFinished String sFileName String sLocalPath
                Send ShowYesNo oDemoFileUpload (RefProc(CleanUp)) (SFormat("Succesfully uploaded '%1'! Do you want to clear the upload folder?", sLocalPath)) ("Finished") cmYes

            Procedure OnCloseModalDialog Handle hoModalDialog
                Forward Send OnCloseModalDialog hoModalDialog
                Send ShowInfoBox "closed"    // <<<---  never fired 