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Thread: Dynamic vs. Office 365

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Question Dynamic vs. Office 365

    Hello everybody,
    we have been migrated from Win7 to Win10 and so have updatedour officepackage to Office 365.
    Now, we're experiencing issues when we try toopen the .xls file. It simply does not work. IT Support says it's a fileformatfrom Excel, which is no longer supported by Excel 365.
    I know that I can use aworkaround by saving the excelfile, renaming it from .xls to .htm and open the.htm file with Excel. But are there any other ways to do it?
    Best regards,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Stuart, FL

    Default Re: Dynamic vs. Office 365

    Excel 365 is supposed to support all file formats from excel back to Excel 5

    so it opens in Excel desktop?
    Michael Salzlechner
    StarZen Technologies, Inc

    IT Director at Balloons Everywhere

    Development Blog

    DataFlex Package Manager (aka Nuget for DataFlex)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Default Re: Dynamic vs. Office 365

    Hello Michael,
    thank you for your reply and the link. I will to give the link to my IT Department, since they are saying that it's the bad output of dynamic.
    My opinion is that the Excel Trust Center does not allow to open it.
    I will keep you updated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Re: Dynamic vs. Office 365

    Microsoft Excel and Word both have supported for many years an HTML document, including hyperlinks, that organizes the data in a table. Dynamic outputs such a file when you use that output option and it names the file with an .xls or .doc extension accordingly, so Window's file association can automatically open the file. At some point Microsoft decided it was a security risk and simply threw up a warning message. This could be turned off via a registry setting. (You can google how to do that.) As of Windows 10 they seem to no longer allow turning the warning message off. You can just dismiss the warning and answer you want to open the file anyway.

    IMO Excel is not a good alternative UI to the browser for Dynamic AI reports. But if you want to manipulate the data in Excel -- then use Dynamic's 'CSV' output format -- or other types of delimited files that you can specify in design. IMO the only point of using Excel is to manipulate the data and therefore why would you want all the HTML formatting tags anyway?


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