Hi DAW et al.
So, the excellent and very useful blogs have been moved from the forum, to the website just over two years ago.
Although this is a understandable move, I think it could be improved.
The average forum user, not subscribed to the FlexLinks newsletter, would easily be mistaken that the last blog was:
Or a manager that just has a browse, could think that nothing happened since 2015...DataFlex for WordPress coming soon....
by Chip Casanave
, 28-Oct-2015 at 05:22 AM (Development Team Blog)
I strongly suggest one more blog to be added to https://support.dataaccess.com/Forums/blog.php basically stating that the new location for blogs is now https://www.dataaccess.com/blog-62.
At the same token, I think in some older blogs are really really good. Perhaps a new blog being an index to the older articles could be concidered. Or someone could copy/paste and rewrite where required and move over the knowledge that way into the new blogs.
Then when this is done, the 'Blogs' link on the forums page, could be rerouted to the new location of the blogs.
I hope this idea gets some traction.
Kind regards