Why isn't the DF Community Interested in the Cloud?
One of the uses for these forums is to allow DAW to get feedback on the priorities Developers have for DF enhancements. Significant notice is taken of the support for individual Posts and even whole Forums. Given that, after an initial small flurry, this Forum has settled down to one new post a quarter, the only valid conclusion is that there is very little interest. Yet my own experience makes me certain that:
- DF applications are very well suited to Cloud deployment
- For any business which has to outsource most or all of its IT support, the Cloud offers a much cheaper, more reliable, more secure, faster and more scaleable solution than on-premises servers.
Frankly, I cannot see why any developer working with such clients isn't recommending and implementing Cloud based solutions.
Right now, every developer has to re-invent the wheel as far as DF in the Cloud is concerned. Certainly, DAW has a $120 CD you can use to set up a development system in the Cloud. Really DAW, how long does it take a newbie to the Cloud to work out how to use Amazon CLI to get the image up there? At the very least, there should be a free public AMI with at least the Personal edition (which avoids AWS costs), DR and a Web-Server installed. Who knows, this might even encourage new developers into the community.
When you move to the Cloud, you are not only spinning up a server, you are creating a whole IT infrastructure which will almost certainly include a Terminal Server (or whatever MS calls it on a particular day), a data server, Web-Server, secure VPN access, RDP access, a Domain connection, Email, backup strategies (including possibly to the premises) AV etc.
We desperately need a Blog covering these matters so any Developer can quickly get up to speed.
Alternatively, those of us who are using the Cloud should start posting here about the various ways of setting up Cloud IT infrastructure for DF systems so that newcomers to the Cloud understand the issues and have some guidance.
It is also my opinion that Web-based Help is long overdue and is undoubtedly holding the product back in the market place.
The most important leg on a three legged stool is the one that's missing.
Murphy's Law (2)