Error 4399 has raised its ugly head again!
I basically cut/pasted code into the source and on trying to expand the treeview - boom!
COM object method invocation error. Invalid CDS node handle
Error: 4399
Please report this error to Data Access Corporation
GET_COMGETNODETYPE (11619) - oCDS (2729) - at address 81935
GET_CANMOVEDOWN (15913) - oCodeExplorer (2728) - at address 190357
GET_CANMOVEDOWN (15913) - oCodeExplorer_cmdbr (2731) - in native code
GET_CANMOVEDOWN (15913) - oCodeExplorer_tlbr (2742) - in native code
GET_ISENABLED (8896) - oMoveDown_btn (2746) - at address 188905
SET_PBENABLED (1537) - oMoveDown_btn (2746) - at address 53001
MSG_UPDATE (364) - oMoveDown_btn (2746) - at address 53001
MSG_UPDATE (364) - oCodeExplorer_cmdbr (2731) - at address 51483
MSG_UPDATE (364) - oCodeExplorer (2728) - at address 190915
MSG_ONIDLE (1564) - oMain (761) - at address 225580
[start] - at address 226070
1 hour of coding down the drain
Also, I can't even exit the Studio - endless Unhandled Studio Error. Shouldn't there is a button is to say "End" !?