Originally Posted by
Peter Crook
So maybe setting pbBypassDDFieldBuffer to true should be the default, even if NumberOfAliases is 1 (which I take to actually mean no alias files).
...so I set it to False in my text edit class and found text fields weren't displaying when modal dialogs were popped up. The dialog is invoked with
Procedure ShowDetails
Send Request_Assign to oName_DD
Send Popup
(the invoking object sends Refind_Records so the file buffer has the required record). All the fields display correctly but not the text edit fields. These are displayed if pbBypassDDFieldBuffer is set to True in the affected DEOs.
Is this the expected behaviour?
[EDIT] The same behaviour occurs if a modal dialog is invoked with:
Procedure ShowRecipient RowID riRecipnt
Send FindByRowID to oRecipnt_DD Recipnt.File_Number riRecipnt
Send Popup