Hmm. I would have thought I ought to set this Bypass property to False to take advantage of also text columns going through the DDO. I mean, since True is the default, and the default means no change form prevous behaviour, then False should let me use the new behaviour? Or what goes?For now, we are setting the default value of pbBypassDDFieldBuffer to True in the cDbTextEdit and cDbRichEdit classes. This means that, by default, the extended DD support is not enabled. This was done by weighing compatibility concerns against that fact that this extended support is rarely needed. If you need this enabled, set the pbBypassDDFieldBuffer property to True.
Will I be able to access the current text in the DDO buffer via Get Field_Current_Value Field SomeTable.SomeText and Set it via Field_Changed_Value?
Prons and cons using this for cDbEdit?