I have to change my Workspace's Data Path in order to compile my VDF 15.1 project.
If the "Data Path" is point to where my data is, I get the following errors:
----Compiling SARater.src----
- Compiling Program: C:\mitco\AppSrc\SARater.src
- Memory Available: 1657884671
- Error 4331: C:\mitco\AppSrc\SARater.src (ln 0) Source not compatible
- Including file: GLOBAL.MAC (C:\mitco\AppSrc\GLOBAL.MAC)
- Including file: y2000.sv (C:\mitco\AppSrc\y2000.sv)
- Including file: LOGIN.MAC (C:\mitco\AppSrc\LOGIN.MAC)
- Including file: DfAllEnt.pkg (C:\Program Files\Visual DataFlex 15.1\Pkg\DfAllEnt.pkg)
- Including file: Windows.pkg (C:\Program Files\Visual DataFlex 15.1\Pkg\Windows.pkg)
- Including file: VdfBase.pkg (C:\Program Files\Visual DataFlex 15.1\Pkg\VdfBase.pkg)
- Including file: errornum.inc (C:\Program Files\Visual DataFlex 15.1\Pkg\errornum.inc)
- Including file: Dll.pkg (C:\Program Files\Visual DataFlex 15.1\Pkg\Dll.pkg)
- Integer in1 in2 in3 in4
- Error 4345: C:\Program Files\Visual DataFlex 15.1\Pkg\Dll.pkg (ln 130) Type check error IN1, SHOULD NOT BE DEFINED
-- Error 4332: Symbol already defined IN1
-- Error 4345: Type check error IN2, SHOULD NOT BE DEFINED
-- Error 4332: Symbol already defined IN2
- string Buff
- Error 4345: C:\Program Files\Visual DataFlex 15.1\Pkg\Dll.pkg (ln 158) Type check error BUFF, SHOULD NOT BE DEFINED
-- Error 4332: Symbol already defined BUFF
- integer in1
... the errors 4345 and 4332 repeat MANY MANY times....