The help states the FloatingPopupMenu is obsolete. We are supposed to use the CodeJock menu system for this.

According to the help I would create something like this
Use cCJCommandBarSystem.pkg     

Object oStuffPopup is a cCJMenuItem
    Set peControlType to xtpControlPopup          
    Set psCaption to "&Stuff"
    Object oSaveMenuItem is a cCJMenuItem
        Set psCaption   to "Save"
        Set psToolTip to "Save"
        Set psDescription to "Save current information to database"
        Set psImage to "ActionSaveRecord.ico"
        Set psShortcut to "F2"
        // if used in a toolbar, it will get updated dynamically as needed
        Set pbActiveUpdate to True
        Procedure OnExecute Variant vCommandBarControl
            Send Request_save of (focus(Self))
        Function IsEnabled Returns Boolean
            Boolean bIsDEO bHasRecord bChanged bEnabled bHasIndex
            Handle hoServer hoCommandBars
            Get CommandBarSystemObject to hoCommandBars
            Get DEOInformation of hoCommandBars (&hoServer) (&bHasRecord) (&bChanged) (&bHasIndex) to bIsDeo
            Function_Return (bIsDEO and hoServer and bChanged)
But I don't see where I am supposed to use this code and how to popup the menu item. Also, I think I am having a problem because I am building this in a non-MDI application using a I think there are missing CodeJock controls that are normally there. Can we get a better sample please?