How to break a text line in a Textbox
, 11-Sep-2009 at 09:00 AM (6205 Views)
I received a support call from a developer that used a Textbox control in his program. The textbox wrapped on the screen when the text is too wide for the width of the control but the developer wanted to break the textline at a given location. The question was whether it is possible and how?
The text in a Textbox control can be wrapped at a given location by inserting a Character(13) in the label at the location where you want the new line to start.
Inserting the character either requires an expression like shown above or inserting the character at a given position (see below).Code:Object oMyTextBox Is A TextBox Set Label To ("This is" + Character (13) + "a test") End_Object
This kind of coding is not really object oriented coding when needed in multiple text box objects. Therefor it is better to design a class that support the use of \n for a new line character and \t for a tab. The following code is what you want in such cases.Code:Move (Left (sLabel, 4) + Character (13) + Right (sLabel, Length (sLabel) - 4)) to sLabel
The Justification_Mode property default value is changed to jMode_Left because the wrapping to a new line does not work with jMode_VCenter. The value jMode_VCenter is removed from the list of possible values.Code:Use Windows.pkg { OverrideProperty = Auto_Size_State Visibility = Private } { OverrideProperty = Justification_Mode EnumList = "jMode_Left, jMode_Right, jMode_Center" } Class cTextBox is a TextBox Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object Set Auto_Size_State to False Set Justification_Mode to JMode_Left Set Size to 40 100 End_Procedure Procedure Set Label String sLabel Move (Replaces ("\n", sLabel, Character (13))) to sLabel Move (Replaces ("\t", sLabel, Character (9))) to sLabel Forward Set Label to sLabel End_Procedure Function Label Returns String String sLabel Forward Get Label to sLabel Move (Replaces (Character (13), sLabel, "\n")) to sLabel Move (Replaces (Character (9), sLabel, "\t")) to sLabel Function_Return sLabel End_Function Procedure InsertNewLine Integer iCharPos String sLabel Get Label to sLabel Move (Left (sLabel, iCharPos) + Character (13) + Right (sLabel, Length (sLabel) - iCharPos)) to sLabel Set Label to sLabel End_Procedure End_Class
The property Auto_Size_State is disabled because it is difficult (impossible?) to calculate the right size of the textbox object, you better size the object yourself.
You can use it with:
You can choose to either use this class or merge the code inside with your own code.Code:Use Windows.pkg Use cHtmlHelp.pkg Use cApplication.pkg Use cTextBox.pkg Object oHtmlHelp is a cHtmlHelp End_Object Object oApplication is a cApplication Set pbPreserveEnvironment to False Set peHelpType to htHtmlHelp End_Object Object oPanel is a BasicPanel Set Size to 200 200 Object oTextBox is a cTextBox Set Size to 33 112 Set Location to 10 10 Set Label to "This is \naTe\tst" End_Object Object obutton is a Button Set Location to 95 32 Procedure OnClick Send InsertNewLine of oTextBox 4 End_Procedure End_Object End_Object Start_UI oPanel