More software for DataFlex web app developers
, 28-Sep-2015 at 12:00 PM (16844 Views)
We are excited to announce today the beta test launch of new software for OAuth, RESTful & Web API Integration. This software enables developers to connect their DataFlex applications to a variety of web resources including Office 365, Google, Facebook, Meetup, MailChimp and more. Full details are in a new sub-forum. Use is free to licensed DataFlex developers.
Some background….
Data Access Worldwide's fundamental role is to help developers deliver more and better business software faster. The DataFlex platform fulfills that role very well and we have established processes and cycles to evolve it. But more software that helps developers doesn’t necessarily have to be “in the box” with DataFlex. In fact, there can be advantages to detachment. Examples are the well-respected VDF SIG Codejock classes, various libraries of Sture Anderson’s and a variety of components that are published on
The new work published today is another example of a productivity-enhancing, outside-the-box, resource. It provides ready-to-integrate, specialized web technology that developers can use without the overhead of researching, writing and testing it themselves. Unlike the resources mentioned above, this project is different in that it is partially sponsored by Data Access. Depending on the benefits realized, we may sponsor or partially sponsor more such projects. Regardless of how they are provided, we want to encourage the availability of more resources for DataFlex developers.
A caveat of projects sponsored in part by Data Access is that we cannot support them as we do our commercial products. Voluntary support will be provided through the forums. In-depth assistance or work to further develop specific project extensions is available through our Professional Services Group and possibly others.
We hope you find the OAuth, RESTful & Web API Integration components to be useful and that its success stimulates more software like it in the future.