How to Create a Checkbox in Your Report?
, 1-Feb-2013 at 11:20 AM (870382 Views)
Often a picture says more than a 1000 words... Well, a checkbox is not a picture but if well used it can draw the same kind of attention to the reader of the report results. Assume you want a checkbox on results of your Visual Report Writer report, how could you do this?
First look at the following screenshot that shows what I mean with using a checkbox in your report output.
If the phone number is a free number, that is when it starts with (800), the report shows a checkbox. The report is based on the vendor table in the standard order entry example that comes with Visual DataFlex.
To create this I made two functions in Visual Report Writer. One function that results in printing the X and one function that manages the line style of the border. The line style of the border? Yes, to create a checkbox I decided to place a border on all four sides of the object if the 'X' is printed.
In the report create a function named CheckboxBorderStyle and place the following code in the function body:
It says to return the constant for a single border if the '800' value is in the first 5 characters of the phone number. The advantage of creating one function for returning the border style is that we can easily replace it in one location.Code:if (left ({Vendor.Phone_Number}, 5) = '(800)') then return vrwBorderSingle else return vrwBorderNone end
The second function to create is called FreePhoneNumberCheckbox and contains the following code as function body:
This function is really put in the report on the body line. If you would print the report now it would print an 'X' or nothing. So a little formatting is required to make it show as a checkbox. For that open the field properties of the object added the report and change the following things;Code:if (left ({Vendor.Phone_Number}, 5) = '(800)') then return 'X' else return '' end
1. Make the text centered (horizontal alignment)
2. Make the text font bold (font tab-page)
3. Use the CheckboxBorderStyle for the four border style functions on the border tab-page.
Each border style function is the same. The contents should be:
and the field properties dialog looks like:Code:return {@CheckboxBorderStyle}
Finally, I will enclose the report to this blog. Note that if you want to run the report you need to change the path to the data-source. If you don't do that you get a file not open error.