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  1. More test data please...

    This blog covers a little project I recently have been working on to create a larger and more diverse data set for the order entry workspace delivered as one of the examples. The set of data in the database delivered with version 17.1 was already increased and changed. This was mainly done to get a better set of data for the demonstration of Dynamic AI integration in a DataFlex application. The data in older versions of the workspace was a bit outdated and limited in size. While the increase was ...
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  2. Adjusting your XML Application to use Namespace and XML Schema Validation

    In order to update our Samples to use the new XML methods (*NS methods) and schema validation, I had to go through some steps to get it all working. I thought it would be beneficial to document what I have done and share what I have learned while converting the samples -- so here I am.

    Note that these changes are not required for applications to be migrated to Visual DataFlex 15.1, but namespaces can play a vital role in a data integration project or data exchange scenario, where ...
  3. Practical XML namespaces

    by , 22-Dec-2009 at 08:00 AM (Development Team Blog)
    Now that you've read the new namespace primer in the Visual DataFlex documentation, and perhaps also read [URL=""]John's article about namespaces[/URL] (you have read them, right?), you're probably thinking, good, but how do I really use namespaces when creating my XML document?

    First, you should use [I]AddElementNS[/I] and so on, all those methods ending with [I]NS[/I]. As John mentioned, you'll notice that you specify the ...
  4. Introducton to XML Schemas

    by , 8-Dec-2009 at 09:00 AM (Development Team Blog)
    New to Visual DataFlex 15.1 is XML Schema support, which is cool, but what if you don't know the first thing about XML Schemas?

    Your first exposure to XML Schemas will most likely be a schema created by someone else. Perhaps you're expected to produce XML documents conforming to the specified schema. If you're lucky you will have been given an example of the document you're supposed to produce from your program, and maybe you can cheat a little and follow that instead of understanding ...

    Updated 9-Dec-2009 at 01:48 AM by Sonny Falk

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	schema-header.png 
Views:	2179 
Size:	5.5 KB 
ID:	3787   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	schema-collapsed.png 
Views:	2184 
Size:	7.6 KB 
ID:	3788   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	schema-simpleType.png 
Views:	2186 
Size:	9.1 KB 
ID:	3789   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	schema-complexType.png 
Views:	2270 
Size:	14.2 KB 
ID:	3790   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	schema-element.png 
Views:	2268 
Size:	17.9 KB 
ID:	3791  
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  5. Play the VDF15.1 RC1 Quiz

    by , 4-Dec-2009 at 02:17 PM (Development Team Blog)
    I'd like to talk about two of the changes made in our Visual DataFlex 15.1 Release Candidate ([URL=""]VDF15.1 RC1[/URL]). We wrote a new help section about XML namespaces (Reference Library / General Reference / XML Namespaces Primer). That's the good change. We accidentally copied the wrong XML file into our new workspace template section. That's the evil change. Now when you try to create a new workspace you get the following ...
  6. Visual DataFlex 15.1 - XML Optimizations

    by , 27-Oct-2009 at 12:00 PM (Development Team Blog)
    In his article, [URL=""]Visual DataFlex 15.1 Sneak Peek - XML Changes[/URL], Sonny Falk, explained that Visual DataFlex 15.1 will be using a newer XML parser (msxml6), which will allow you to perform schema validations on your documents. In addition to this we’ve made some changes in our packages which optimizes XML processing. These changes, which are not related to the new XML parser, were instigated by a recent forum [URL=""]discussion ...
  7. Visual DataFlex 15.1 Sneak Peek - XML Changes

    by , 19-Oct-2009 at 08:00 AM (Development Team Blog)
    By the time this gets published, Visual DataFlex 15.1 is just about to enter Beta testing. One of the cool new things is that XML support has been updated. The changes include an internal update of the underlying MS XML standard Windows library to msxml6. And perhaps the most requested new feature is support for XML Schema validations.

    These changes to the XML classes can be taken advantage of immediately as you update to VDF 15.1. From a code perspective you still use the same classes ...