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  1. What is in a Name: Function Names Generated at Runtime

    When writing the Migration Wizard I needed to come up with a solution for executing different routines depending on the revision the original workspace was from. As part of that solution, I decided to create a function that would generate the name of the routine on the fly, using the revision of the workspace that was being migrated. That way the main migration code would be simple and clean, and I would never need to change it in the future to accommodate upcoming revisions.

    This ...

    Updated 17-Aug-2009 at 08:44 AM by Stephen W. Meeley (Spell-check)

  2. Using Expressions and Properties in Constraints

    by , 14-Aug-2009 at 08:00 AM (Development Team Blog)
    In Sonny Falk’s blog about [URL=""]constraints and local variables[/URL] he noted that you should never use local variables inside of a [I]Constrain As [/I]expression. In talking about [I]Constrain As[/I] he states: [quote]You constrain against an expression, and the expression can be anything at all, including function calls executing DataFlex code and everything.[/quote]
    Let’s explore the use of [I]Constrain As[/I] to call DataFlex ...

    Updated 14-Aug-2009 at 08:36 AM by Stephen W. Meeley (Minor formatting.)

  3. Improved Studio recognition of Property Values

    by , 13-Aug-2009 at 06:14 AM (Development Team Blog)
    With Visual DataFlex 2008 and above, you no longer need to use meta-tags to declare every change to a property's initial value in a class declaration. Take a look at the following example:
    Class cCloseButton is a Button
    Procedure Construct_Object
    Set Label to 'Close'
    End_Class[/code]Prior to version 14.1 if you created this cCloseButton class and add it to a view in the Studio's Visual Designer the label doesn’t appear. To ...
  4. Constraints and Local Variables

    by , 10-Aug-2009 at 07:00 AM (Development Team Blog)
    Constraints and local variables is a frequent question in the forums, let's see if we can sort this out. The basics is that you set it up once, and then the runtime uses the constraints when finding records thereafter. If you want to change your constraints, you rebuild the whole set of constraints, and then the runtime uses that thereafter.

    The way constraints are set up is complicated a little with DDs and I won't go into the details, but essentially you augment the [I]OnConstrain[/I] ...
  5. Linking from Developer Help to Visual DataFlex Help

    Now that Visual DataFlex supports adding developer and library help content to the main system, a number of developers have asked about linking content. Here are a few tips:

    [B]Important[/B]: Our help content is, well, [B][I]our[/I][/B] help content and it can change at any time, including page names - so keep this in mind when choosing which material you want to use in links and how much you want to use linking.

    The main thing you need to know to establish a link ...

    Updated 7-Aug-2009 at 05:27 PM by Stephen W. Meeley

  6. The Smallest Program

    by , 3-Aug-2009 at 07:00 AM (Development Team Blog)
    A Visual DataFlex program doesn't have to consist of windows, views and dialogs, you can write command line style programs in VDF too. And the best part is that the VDF Studio (12.x and later) fully supports programs that have no graphical user interface as first class citizens. All the wonderful features, such as CodeSense, the CodeExplorer, the Properties panel, all treat any source code the same, afterall, it's all source code and [I]source code rules[/I]. This may seem obvious unless you've ...
  7. How to Delete Multiple Records in one Go with Database Explorer?

    Once in a while we get the question how can I delete multiple records with Database Explorer. In this blog I will tell you what your options are.

    From the initial revision up there is a function called "Erase all Data". You can find this on the File pulldown. The option is not enabled by default because Database Explorer will configure itself in its most defensive state. Via the configuration dialog you can - when you have dbAdmin rights (Studio users have this option set) - allow ...
  8. Product Registration: All you wanted to know but were afraid to ask

    What??? Connectivity Kits and Visual DataFlex combined in one serial number? How can I use it? What about the web server? Can I use the same registration program to enter all my licenses? Which license should be active? And what does being active mean anyway?

    If those questions have crossed your mind but you never really asked them, just carry on reading; this is your chance to get them all answered.

    The Pieces: Types of Licenses

    • How does Data Access

    Updated 29-Jun-2016 at 05:04 PM by Marcia Booth

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Registration1.JPG 
Views:	2628 
Size:	35.6 KB 
ID:	3753   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Registration2.JPG 
Views:	2687 
Size:	44.2 KB 
ID:	3754   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Registration3.JPG 
Views:	2657 
Size:	42.7 KB 
ID:	3755   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Registration4.JPG 
Views:	2598 
Size:	36.3 KB 
ID:	3756   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Registration5.JPG 
Views:	2673 
Size:	39.8 KB 
ID:	3757  
  9. The New Error Dialog

    by , 27-Jul-2009 at 02:04 PM (Development Team Blog)
    You know when there's a program error, and you get that pesky error dialog that says something like [I]Error foobar Technical Details Error Number 1234 Instruction Address 5678[/I], and an OK button. So you think to yourself, great, there's an error in the program, now what? If you're lucky enough, this happens during development while you're debugging, before anyone else sees the problem. If you're not so lucky it happens at a customer site. When this happens at a customer site, you can try to ...

    Updated 27-Jul-2009 at 02:15 PM by Development Team

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	error-old.jpg 
Views:	1764 
Size:	25.1 KB 
ID:	3758   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	error-new.jpg 
Views:	1792 
Size:	81.1 KB 
ID:	3759  
  10. Skinning in Visual DataFlex - The Simple Way to Great Looks

    Note: This information applies to Visual DataFlex 2008 and higher.

    What is Skinning?

    Skinning can be defined as the process of applying a skin (customized graphical appearances) in order to change an application’s look and feel. Some skins merely make the program more aesthetically pleasing, but others can rearrange elements of the interface, potentially making the program easier to use.

    Visual DataFlex and Skinning

    Visual DataFlex ...

    Updated 3-Aug-2009 at 09:19 AM by Marcia Booth

  11. Precompilation in Visual DataFlex - Set it and Forget it!

    by , 27-Jul-2009 at 02:03 PM (Development Team Blog)
    During the development of Visual DataFlex 12.0 we modified the compiler to track any changes to source code that belong to a precompiled package. For example, let's say you have a precompiled package (MyPrecompile.pkg) and one of the files used by MyPrecompile.pkg was edited since it was last precompiled. Now, when you go to compile a project that uses this precompile, the Compiler would detect the change and raise an error that the precompile is out of date.

    This was a good change ...
  12. Visual DataFlex Supports Citrix XenApp

    [I][B]Note:[/B] This information applies to Visual DataFlex 2008 and higher.[/I]

    [COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]With the release of Visual DataFlex 12.1 official support was added for Windows Terminal Services. In Visual DataFlex 2008 we added official support for [URL=""][COLOR=black]Citrix XenApp[/COLOR][/URL]. [/FONT][/COLOR]Bjorn Thunvik assisted us with these tasks and, at the time, he wrote a great Start Center article explaining what this ...
  13. What is Client Area Sizing and Why is it Important?

    by , 27-Jul-2009 at 02:01 PM (Development Team Blog)
    In Visual DataFlex 14.0 we made a major change in the way we size dialogs. Instead setting a size based on the dialog's outer window size, we sized it based on the Client Area Size. It might be worth explaining how we came about making the Client Area Size change.

    We recognized that moving Views and modal panels to Windows Vista was going to create the exact same size issues that occurred when developers moved the applications up to Windows XP. In both cases either borders or caption ...

    Updated 27-Jul-2009 at 02:14 PM by Development Team

  14. CodeSense Improvements

    by , 27-Jul-2009 at 01:44 PM (Development Team Blog)
    [I]Note: This information applies to Visual DataFlex 2008 and higher[/I]

    During development of 12.0 and 12.1 we received feedback with several suggestions for improving CodeSense. Many of those suggestions, along with some other ideas we had during development, were out of scope for 12.0, so we logged them in our bugtracker database as either bugs/suggestions. During development of 12.1 we fixed a lot of the pure bugs and performance issues, but we didn't have time to address some ...
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