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To wrap up this multi-part series about arrays and structs I'll highlight a few key areas and answer some questions that came up. [URL="http://support.dataaccess.com/forums/blog.php?b=26"]Part I[/URL] starts by showing the basic use of structs and arrays, how they can be used together and as parameter & return types. [URL="http://support.dataaccess.com/forums/blog.php?b=27"]Part II[/URL] discusses how sorting and searching works with native arrays. ...
International characters have always been very complicated to deal with in computer systems, and configuring your computer for your locale is often more difficult than it should be. Have you ever had the problem where extended ascii characters such as [IMG]http://support.dataaccess.com/forums/blog_attachment.php?attachmentid=59&stc=1&d=1260836739[/IMG] ends up being displayed in a dbForm or similar in your VDF application as [IMG]http://support.dataaccess.com/forums/blog_attachment.php?attachmentid=60&stc=1&d=1260836885[/IMG] ...
Updated 24-Mar-2011 at 01:03 PM by Marcia Booth
When using the Connectivity Kits, we hear a lot about intermediate (INT) files and structure cache (CCH) files, but the role that those files play in the Connectivity Kit world seems to not be completely understood. What is an INT file? INT files are text files that contain the driver name to be used to open a table, the table's connection information (server, database, etc) and identification (table name, schema, etc), and some special information (e.g. whether the table is ...
Updated 13-Apr-2022 at 10:17 AM by Marcia Booth
The DataFlex activation and deactivation mechanism has a long history. It was built as part of the original object-oriented user interface and has gone through many changes. It had to be extended to support modal and non-modal objects. It was then expanded to work with data aware objects (DEOs). Later it was altered to support Windows controls. It should come as no surprise that the end result is that there are a lot of ways to make this work and even more ways to make this not work. Sooner or later ...
Updated 1-Sep-2011 at 11:44 AM by Dennis Piccioni
The default Windows settings constantly change and starting with Windows Server 2003 some settings are not configured to accommodate what is needed in a Visual DataFlex environment. Also, some components necessary for Visual DataFlex to fully run are not installed by default. So, before installing Visual DataFlex, you should review and configure your server. In order to install and successfully run, Visual DataFlex needs the following to be appropriately set: Internet ...
Updated 8-Aug-2014 at 11:17 AM by Marcia Booth
Source Control has been discussed in our forums off and on for years and it appears that some developers are not convinced that using it will benefit them. If you are not currently using source control, you should seriously reconsider doing so. I hope this article clears up most questions you have. Source control is often also referred to as "version control" or "revision control". I prefer the term source control because it does so much more than simply tracking revisions, as I will ...
In The Case for Source Control, I told you why you should use source control. Now I will show you how to use source control with Visual DataFlex. This post will demonstrate the basics of source control from a single developer perspective. Source Control and Visual DataFlex 102: Multi-Developer Use moves on to using source control when multiple developers work on the same project. The purpose of this post is to allow you to start using source control in a fast and efficient manner. See Configuring Source Control for Visual DataFlex ...
When your Visual DataFlex application makes an external call to a webservice the main program waits for its completion. If the request does not return immediately several things can be the cause. Your connection to your ISP can slow, the webserver you try to reach is busy, can be difficult found etc. If you want your application to continue as soon as possible and know (and this is the unknown keyfactor) that particular call should not take more than a couple of milliseconds to complete you can ...
Updated 3-May-2019 at 09:52 AM by Vincent Oorsprong
When using the database Connectivity Kits, developers may choose to use embedded SQL (ESQL) in their applications to take advantage of the database server capabilities and set processing. In ESQL you can execute many different statements either one by one or in batches. So, how can batch statements be used in Visual DataFlex? What are Batch Statements A batch of SQL statements is a group of two or more SQL statements or a single SQL statement that has the same effect as a group ...
The Database Connectivity Kits used to add an uppercase (U_) column when tables were converted from DataFlex native databases to an SQL backend. That column was there just to fulfill the need of an uppercase index segment. However, starting with build (find the latest builds available at ftp://ftp.dataaccess.com/pub/products/connectivity/ ), the Connectivity Kits were changed and by default they simply use the collating sequence defined for the database on the backend and ...
What do you need to do when you want to enrich your web application with some charts? First of all it is important to find data that let itself nicely present in a chart but you probably have that else you won't be interested in reading this blog. Then you need to decide what kind of chart you would like to use. Do you want a pie, a bar or a line graph? Dealt with this it is time to find a good API, a good tool that you can use. There are many solutions available on the web. For this blog I used ...
Updated 2-Dec-2013 at 02:28 AM by Vincent Oorsprong (Images enlarged)
Since the introduction of COM in Visual DataFlex, around Visual DataFlex version 5, there has been a example application that contains an ActiveX object that represents Microsoft's Internet Explorer. In the example, that loads a default web-page, you can enter another address, click on a hyper-link which loads a new page, go back or forward, all the usual operations you can do with Internet Explorer itself too. While this example is good you can do much more and this blog is informing you about ...
Updated 2-Dec-2013 at 02:27 AM by Vincent Oorsprong (Images enlarged)
In the first blog I told you how to connect to the HTML document object inside your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser object. How you can dynamically load a string holding a HTML document structure. In this blog I will extend this a bit. Let's go back to the Did You Know dialog in DataBase Explorer and look what extras we can learn from there. Context Menu If you bring up that dialog and you right click the browser control you will notice you cannot get to ...
If you are in a need to have a unique ID in your application you might want to make use of a Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID). The term UUID is interchangeable with GUID (Globally Unique ID). A UUID is a string that contains five blocks of hexadecimal digits. The Windows API has functions for this and in this blog I show you how to create UUIDs in Visual DataFlex. An example of a valid UUID string is: 2CA263F1-5C94-11E0-84CC-002170FBAC5B. As you can see it consists of 8 hexadecimal ...
[B]Registration-Free COM[/B] I was privileged to deliver [URL="http://marketing.dataaccess.com/Synergy2011_Presentations/DeplyingRegFeeComCntrl_DL.pdf"]a presentation on this topic at the recent Synergy 2011 Conference in Orlando[/URL]. As a result of discussions that ensued from that presentation and the broad interest that seems to exist in this topic, I am also privileged to offer this guest blog. First, indulge me while I provide some background on the technology ...
Updated 21-Jun-2011 at 01:55 PM by Stephen W. Meeley
This week two developers asked me about a folderbrowser/selector. Over the years several solutions have been created (fully) using the Windows API. But as far as I know they all do not have the ability to set the focus on a certain folder shown in the tree. And that is what the developers wanted to have. I said it is "simple" to make a folder selector yourself. This blog tells you how you can create one yourself using Visual DataFlex code and a bit Windows API code. The Dialog ...
Updated 2-Dec-2013 at 02:23 AM by Vincent Oorsprong (Images enlarged)
I have setup a USER DSN in the ODBC Manager (Data Sources) which points to an Microsoft Access demodata database. Now I want to connect to this database with Data Access's Visual Report Writer and with Visual DataFlex Studio. In Visual Report Writer I simply cannot get past the selection of the DSN and in Visual DataFlex Studio I get a "Unable to Login to Server!" message. What is wrong? I thought DataFlex could connect to ODBC databases, isn't that true? If I use Microsoft Excel from Microsoft ...
There are many aspects to the discussions about how the new font system in Visual DataFlex works when compared to the old. This is actually a complex topic with a lot of different perspectives – so this blog might be on the long side. I promise to do my best not to ramble (too much). I’ll start by stating that the main goal in wirting this is to get everyone to a common understanding of the way fonts work: how the old system functioned, what we changed in moving to the new system and ...
Often a picture says more than a 1000 words... Well, a checkbox is not a picture but if well used it can draw the same kind of attention to the reader of the report results. Assume you want a checkbox on results of your Visual Report Writer report, how could you do this? First look at the following screenshot that shows what I mean with using a checkbox in your report output. If the phone ...
Updated 1-Dec-2013 at 12:39 PM by Vincent Oorsprong (Images enlarged)
This blog contains information on choosing and changing the data source in the Data Access report writer. Data Source? During the creation of a new report a data source needs to be selected. A data source makes it possible for the report writer to access the rows of data in tables. Currently 3 data source categories are available; DataFlex, ODBC and RDS. DataFlex For the DataFlex database the data source is either the list of tables (usually named filelist.cfg) ...
Updated 25-Feb-2013 at 10:24 AM by Vincent Oorsprong (Two functions added)