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Development Team Blog

  1. More test data please...

    This blog covers a little project I recently have been working on to create a larger and more diverse data set for the order entry workspace delivered as one of the examples. The set of data in the database delivered with version 17.1 was already increased and changed. This was mainly done to get a better set of data for the demonstration of Dynamic AI integration in a DataFlex application. The data in older versions of the workspace was a bit outdated and limited in size. While the increase was ...
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  2. How to Create a Checkbox in Your Report?

    Often a picture says more than a 1000 words... Well, a checkbox is not a picture but if well used it can draw the same kind of attention to the reader of the report results. Assume you want a checkbox on results of your Visual Report Writer report, how could you do this?

    First look at the following screenshot that shows what I mean with using a checkbox in your report output.

    If the phone ...
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Name:	CheckboxInResults.jpg 
Views:	7096 
Size:	80.7 KB 
ID:	6111   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ChecboxFunctionInUse.jpg 
Views:	5379 
Size:	77.0 KB 
ID:	6112  
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