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Development Team Blog

  1. Migrating from 17.1 to 18.0: DataFlex Web Framework Structure Change

    If you are migrating a web application from Visual DataFlex 17.1 to DataFlex 18.0, you might need to take an extra step to get your application to successfully compile and run in the new revision.

    This is due to a change in the tWebRow structure used in DataFlex Web Framework.


    To understand the two main reasons for this change it is important to understand how this worked under 17.1.

    When the DataFlex web framework was developed, ...

    Updated 24-Apr-2014 at 10:03 AM by Dennis Piccioni

  2. Modifying Application to use New Font System Introduced in 17.0

    Visual DataFlex 17.0 introduced a change in regards to fonts. Visual DataFlex 17.0 (and higher) allows true Windows fonts to be used in applications. Before 17.0, Sans Serif was the only font used in Visual DatFlex.

    That means that applications being migrated to 17.0 or higher may need to be adjusted in order to have the desired screen layout on all platforms and resolutions, but once you make this one-time change, your application should look the same on any platform.


    Updated 8-Sep-2014 at 01:10 PM by Marcia Booth

  3. Why Some Files Are Not Migrated to the Latest VDF Revision

    We try to make migration from any Visual DataFlex revision to the latest revision as smooth as possible for our developers, but one migration-related question has come up repeatedly in the forums: "Some of the files in my workspace didn't get migrated. What's going on?"

    The migration wizard uses the same code parser that the Studio uses to determine what to migrate. As Sonny recently discussed in his blog Under the Hood: The Studio Parser, most source code files are not autonomous, ...