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In a recent post at the forums the question was given how to make use of a recursive struct. Years ago I wrote a training manual about Structs and Arrays and in one of the exercises the trainees had to write a routine that could read the files in a folder from a disk. A folder can have 0-N files and 0-N sub-folders. In this blog I will explain you how you can build the code to read the information using arrays and structs. Nested Structs Because a folder can have 0-N files and ...
[I]Pointer[/I], [I]byref[/I], [I]AddressOf()[/I], what's the difference between [I]byref[/I] and [I]Pointer[/I] anyway? If you know C++ you might say that by-reference is semantically very similar to a pointer but with different syntax. In Visual DataFlex, [I]byref[/I] and [I]pointer[/I] are actually used for different purposes. This is best illustrated with [I]String[/I], consider the following code: [code] Use DfAllEnt.pkg Procedure Foo String ...