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The Database Connectivity Kits used to add an uppercase (U_) column when tables were converted from DataFlex native databases to an SQL backend. That column was there just to fulfill the need of an uppercase index segment. However, starting with build (find the latest builds available at ftp://ftp.dataaccess.com/pub/products/connectivity/ ), the Connectivity Kits were changed and by default they simply use the collating sequence defined for the database on the backend and ...
When using the database Connectivity Kits, developers may choose to use embedded SQL (ESQL) in their applications to take advantage of the database server capabilities and set processing. In ESQL you can execute many different statements either one by one or in batches. So, how can batch statements be used in Visual DataFlex? What are Batch Statements A batch of SQL statements is a group of two or more SQL statements or a single SQL statement that has the same effect as a group ...
When using one of the database Connectivity Kits, how can you make your program display its own error message when a connection string is not correct? By default, an error is displayed and the database will pop up a login dialog for users to enter their correct user and password. Or the application may display an unhandled error. Hmm... not what you want to see when using either the login command or SQLConnect method. In order to have your application better handle those errors, ...