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This week two developers asked me about a folderbrowser/selector. Over the years several solutions have been created (fully) using the Windows API. But as far as I know they all do not have the ability to set the focus on a certain folder shown in the tree. And that is what the developers wanted to have. I said it is "simple" to make a folder selector yourself. This blog tells you how you can create one yourself using Visual DataFlex code and a bit Windows API code. The Dialog ...
Updated 2-Dec-2013 at 02:23 AM by Vincent Oorsprong (Images enlarged)
This is the third blog article about getting more out of the web browser control. In comments I have been asked to show code that uses the web browser control. In the first blog I mentioned that the web browser control is used in a welcome dialog for Database Explorer. Let's review the code for that dialog in this blog. The dialog Let's look at the dialog again, the picture shows how it looks like. ...
Updated 2-Dec-2013 at 02:25 AM by Vincent Oorsprong (Images enlarged)
In the first blog I told you how to connect to the HTML document object inside your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser object. How you can dynamically load a string holding a HTML document structure. In this blog I will extend this a bit. Let's go back to the Did You Know dialog in DataBase Explorer and look what extras we can learn from there. Context Menu If you bring up that dialog and you right click the browser control you will notice you cannot get to ...
Since the introduction of COM in Visual DataFlex, around Visual DataFlex version 5, there has been a example application that contains an ActiveX object that represents Microsoft's Internet Explorer. In the example, that loads a default web-page, you can enter another address, click on a hyper-link which loads a new page, go back or forward, all the usual operations you can do with Internet Explorer itself too. While this example is good you can do much more and this blog is informing you about ...
Updated 2-Dec-2013 at 02:27 AM by Vincent Oorsprong (Images enlarged)