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Development Team Blog

  1. SQL Injection Protection in the DataFlex Environment


    This document provides information about SQL Injection attacks and how the risks associated with them are mitigated in the DataFlex application environment. When SQL statements written by a developer are included in an application program for direct execution by an SQL server, the developer is responsible for making sure that his or her programming style does not let the guard down for threats like SQL Injection or other risks.

    What is an SQL Injection attack? ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Files
  2. Visual Report Writer and The Web (II)

    As follow up story on Visual Report Writer and the web this time the first report available on the demo website for Visual Report Writer. You might think "only one?" but read on and discover that there is enough to tell about this report and the integration.

    Invoices Report
    The first report that can be started on the website is called Invoice. The report uses the Microsoft Adventure Works 2000 database as its data-source. The report uses 14 tables to build the results. Very ...

    Updated 1-Dec-2013 at 12:36 PM by Vincent Oorsprong (Images enlarged)

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	invoice table relationship.jpg 
Views:	4539 
Size:	253.9 KB 
ID:	6357  
  3. ESQL: Dealing with Values Retrieved from Nullable Columns

    When a column contains a NULL value, its content is undefined. if you are using Visual DataFlex commands/methods, the Connectivity Kit has ways (e.g. DF_FIELD_IS_NULL) to deal with return values and take care of NULL values for you.

    Now, if you are using Embedded SQL (
    ESQL), you have direct access to what is stored in the SQL backend and will need to take care of NULL values yourself, otherwise you might see gibberish when the value returned is NULL -- and NULLs can be anything! In ...

    Updated 13-Apr-2022 at 10:02 AM by Marcia Booth

  4. INT and CCH Files Explained

    When using the Connectivity Kits, we hear a lot about intermediate (INT) files and structure cache (CCH) files, but the role that those files play in the Connectivity Kit world seems to not be completely understood.

    What is an INT file?
    INT files are text files that contain the driver name to be used to open a table, the table's connection information (server, database, etc) and identification (table name, schema, etc), and some special information (e.g. whether the table is ...

    Updated 13-Apr-2022 at 10:17 AM by Marcia Booth

    Tags: cli, marcia booth, sql