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Development Team Blog

  1. Visual Report Writer and The Web (XIII)

    In this thirtheenth blog about Visual Report Writer and the Web I want to tell you how you can make a report that is interactive. A demo of a report that does this can be found at the Live Demo website (European Server, USA server). If this is the first blog you read I encourage you to read the twelve other blogs (1: The Solution, 2: Invoices Report, 3: The Cleanup, 4: The CustomerList, 5: The Orderlist, 6: The Credit and Balances Overview), 7: Inventory Stock Levels), 8: Sick Leave), 9: FileList (RDS)), ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2013-07-11_063308.jpg 
Views:	12354 
Size:	68.8 KB 
ID:	6611  
  2. Visual Report Writer and The Web (XII)

    In this twelfth blog about Visual Report Writer and the Web I want to take you some not really report related features that can be found at the Live Demo website (European Server, USA server). If this is the first blog you read I encourage you to read the eleven other blogs (1: The Solution, 2: Invoices Report, 3: The Cleanup, 4: The CustomerList, 5: The Orderlist, 6: The Credit and Balances Overview), 7: Inventory Stock Levels), 8: Sick Leave), 9: FileList (RDS)), 10: Four Wine Data Based Reports) ...
  3. Visual Report Writer and The Web (XI)

    In this eleventh blog about Visual Report Writer and the Web I want to take you to the last not yet discussed report that can be found at the Live Demo website (European Server, USA server) named top 10 sales persons. If this is the first blog you read I encourage you to read the ten other blogs (1: The Solution, 2: Invoices Report, 3: The Cleanup, 4: The CustomerList, 5: The Orderlist, 6: The Credit and Balances Overview), 7: Inventory Stock Levels), 8: Sick Leave), 9: FileList (RDS)) and 10: ...
  4. Visual Report Writer and The Web (X)

    In this tenth blog about Visual Report Writer and the Web I want to take you to the next four reports that can be found at the Live Demo website (European Server, USA server) grouped under Wines. If this is the first blog you read I encourage you to read the nine other blogs (1: The Solution, 2: Invoices Report, 3: The Cleanup, 4: The CustomerList, 5: The Orderlist, 6: The Credit and Balances Overview), 7: Inventory Stock Levels), 8: Sick Leave) and 9: FileList (RDS)). Meanwhile we have been able ...
  5. Visual Report Writer and The Web (IX)

    In this ninth blog about Visual Report Writer and the Web I want to take you to the next report that can be found at the Live Demo website (European Server, USA server) named FileList (RDS). If this is the first blog you read I encourage you to read the eight other blogs (1: The Solution, 2: Invoices Report, 3: The Cleanup, 4: The CustomerList, 5: The Orderlist, 6: The Credit and Balances Overview), 7: Inventory Stock Levels) and 8: Sick Leave). Meanwhile we have been able to release the Alpha II version of Visual Report Writer 3.0 ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2013-06-02_082810.jpg 
Views:	5789 
Size:	56.1 KB 
ID:	6502  
  6. Visual Report Writer and The Web (VIII)

    In this eighth blog about Visual Report Writer and the Web I want to take you to the next report that can be found at the Live Demo website (European Server, USA server) named Sick Leave. If this is the first blog you read I encourage you to read the seven other blogs (1: The Solution, 2: Invoices Report, 3: The Cleanup, 4: The CustomerList, 5: The Orderlist, 6: The Credit and Balances Overview) and 7: Inventory Stock Levels). Between the fourth and the fifth blog we have been able to release the ...
  7. Visual Report Writer and The Web (VII)

    In this seventh blog about Visual Report Writer and the Web we look at the next report that is available on the Live Demo website (European Server, USA server) named Inventory Stock Levels. If this is the first blog you read I encourage you to read the six other blogs (1: The Solution, 2: Invoices Report, 3: The Cleanup, 4: The CustomerList, 5: The Orderlist and 6: The Credit and Balances Overview). Between the fourth and the fifth blog we have been able to release the Alpha I version of Visual Report Writer 3.0 ...
  8. Visual Report Writer and The Web (V)

    In this fifth blog about Visual Report and The Web I will talk about the next report that you can find on the Live Demo website (European Server, USA server) named OrderList. If this is the first blog you read I encourage you to read the four other blogs (1: The Solution, 2: Invoices Report, 3: The Cleanup and 4: The CustomerList). Between the fourth blog and this one we have been able to release the Alpha I version of Visual Report Writer 3.0 and the 2.1+ Library only setup. The latter one is needed ...
  9. Visual Report Writer and The Web (IV)

    In this fourth blog the Customer List is the topic. Ehh, a customer list, isn't that too simple for a demo and a blog? Yes and no. A customer list running on the Web Order Customer table is in fact a simple report but as you discover below we have added a couple of features to make the report and integration more attractive. To see the here discussed report in action you should navigate to the live demo website (European Server, USA server). You are also advised to read the three previous blogs ...
  10. Adjusting Server Settings prior to installing Visual DataFlex

    The default Windows settings constantly change and starting with Windows Server 2003 some settings are not configured to accommodate what is needed in a Visual DataFlex environment. Also, some components necessary for Visual DataFlex to fully run are not installed by default. So, before installing Visual DataFlex, you should review and configure your server.

    In order to install and successfully run, Visual DataFlex needs the following to be appropriately set:

    1. Internet

    Updated 8-Aug-2014 at 11:17 AM by Marcia Booth
