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New to Visual DataFlex 15.1 is XML Schema support, which is cool, but what if you don't know the first thing about XML Schemas? Your first exposure to XML Schemas will most likely be a schema created by someone else. Perhaps you're expected to produce XML documents conforming to the specified schema. If you're lucky you will have been given an example of the document you're supposed to produce from your program, and maybe you can cheat a little and follow that instead of understanding ...
Updated 9-Dec-2009 at 01:48 AM by Sonny Falk
By the time this gets published, Visual DataFlex 15.1 is just about to enter Beta testing. One of the cool new things is that XML support has been updated. The changes include an internal update of the underlying MS XML standard Windows library to msxml6. And perhaps the most requested new feature is support for XML Schema validations. These changes to the XML classes can be taken advantage of immediately as you update to VDF 15.1. From a code perspective you still use the same classes ...