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Development Team Blog

  1. More test data please...

    This blog covers a little project I recently have been working on to create a larger and more diverse data set for the order entry workspace delivered as one of the examples. The set of data in the database delivered with version 17.1 was already increased and changed. This was mainly done to get a better set of data for the demonstration of Dynamic AI integration in a DataFlex application. The data in older versions of the workspace was a bit outdated and limited in size. While the increase was ...
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  2. Recursive Use of Structs and Arrays

    In a recent post at the forums the question was given how to make use of a recursive struct. Years ago I wrote a training manual about Structs and Arrays and in one of the exercises the trainees had to write a routine that could read the files in a folder from a disk. A folder can have 0-N files and 0-N sub-folders. In this blog I will explain you how you can build the code to read the information using arrays and structs.

    Nested Structs
    Because a folder can have 0-N files and ...
  3. Structs, Arrays and Optimization Strategies (Part 2 of 2)

    by , 16-Oct-2009 at 05:50 AM (Development Team Blog)
    In [URL=""]Part One[/URL] I described the problem of performing lookups for each member of an array and how to use a cache when performing lookups repeatedly with multiple arrays sharing mostly the same members.

    We left part one after describing a caching technique that required further optimization. In this article we will explore different array searching techniques, using the built-in VDF Search Array functions, to optimize ...

    Updated 26-Oct-2009 at 11:44 AM by John van Houten

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  4. Structs, Arrays and Optimization Strategies (Part 1 of 2)

    by , 14-Oct-2009 at 09:52 AM (Development Team Blog)
    A common programming problem is the need to process sets of data that are not part of your database. Typically sets of data that are stored in arrays. If the data is structured then you would use arrays of type [I]struct[/I]. For example...

    [code]Struct tNameData
    String sName
    Date dDateOfBirth

    tNameData[] NameData // declares an array of type tNameData
    [/code]Wherever you have arrays of data like this you will inevitably need ...
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  5. How to get detail information from the callstack

    Recently I received a support call from a developer who was very pleased with the fact that the product now has a command to return the current callstack. He said however it is one string and I would like to retrieve detailed information from the callstack. I told the developer to look at string manipulation functions and that made him not so happy. The amount of work was high he thought.

    Because I said it is not so difficult he challenged me to make a function that makes it easier ...