View Full Version : Flextron and On_Key?

29-Aug-2024, 03:47 PM
What's the 'Flextron' way of using a shortcut key to pop open a view? The equivalent of

On_Key key_alt+Key_s send keyaction of Tile3

(or OnClick...)

29-Aug-2024, 06:10 PM
Should say, Stackoverflow has suggestions, including this https://github.com/ccampbell/mousetrap , but has anybody got a something we should standardise upon?

Samuel Pizarro
30-Aug-2024, 08:13 AM
On regular webapp, the equivalent for windows on_key is AddKeyHandler

cWebBaseUIObject [Procedure AddKeyHandler] (dataaccess.com) (https://docs.dataaccess.com/dataflexhelp/mergedProjects/VDFClassRef/cWebBaseUIObject-Procedure-AddKeyHandler.htm)

It should work for Flextron as well, but never tested.

30-Aug-2024, 10:27 AM
On regular webapp, the equivalent for windows on_key is AddKeyHandler

cWebBaseUIObject [Procedure AddKeyHandler] (dataaccess.com) (https://docs.dataaccess.com/dataflexhelp/mergedProjects/VDFClassRef/cWebBaseUIObject-Procedure-AddKeyHandler.htm)

It should work for Flextron as well, but never tested.

Thanks Samuel, knew there had to be something and I vaguely recall that!

I'm moving a DOS point of sale (which of course is under constant tinkering) to a Flextron just so I don't need the webserver. Must say I've never had time to learn this all in depth so every day I work on it I both learn something new and forget what I learned last week...

Dennis Piccioni
30-Aug-2024, 10:32 AM
This is actually in the On_Key doc (https://docs.dataaccess.com/dataflexhelp/mergedProjects/LanguageReference/On_key_Command.htm).

30-Aug-2024, 11:08 AM
If I ever get to a DISD/Synergy/EDUC again I owe you a cerveza. Very slick.

//hotkeys for Dashboard

Procedure oOpenTillKey Integer iKeyCode Boolean bShift Boolean bAlt Boolean bCtrl
Send Onclick of oOpenTill
Procedure oCloseTillKey Integer iKeyCode Boolean bShift Boolean bAlt Boolean bCtrl
Send Onclick of oCloseTill
Procedure oSaleKey Integer iKeyCode Boolean bShift Boolean bAlt Boolean bCtrl
Send Onclick of oSale
Procedure oChargeKey Integer iKeyCode Boolean bShift Boolean bAlt Boolean bCtrl
Send Onclick of oCharge
Procedure UnHoldKey Integer iKeyCode Boolean bShift Boolean bAlt Boolean bCtrl
Send Onclick of oUnhold
Procedure oQuoteKey Integer iKeyCode Boolean bShift Boolean bAlt Boolean bCtrl
Send Onclick of oQuote
Procedure oReprintKey Integer iKeyCode Boolean bShift Boolean bAlt Boolean bCtrl
Send Onclick of oReprint
Procedure oVoidKey Integer iKeyCode Boolean bShift Boolean bAlt Boolean bCtrl
Send Onclick of oVoid
Procedure oGiftRcptKey Integer iKeyCode Boolean bShift Boolean bAlt Boolean bCtrl
Send Onclick of oGiftRcpt

WebPublishProcedure oOpenTillKey
WebPublishProcedure oCloseTillKey
WebPublishProcedure oSaleKey
WebPublishProcedure oChargeKey
WebPublishProcedure oUnholdKey
WebPublishProcedure oQuoteKey
WebPublishProcedure oReprintKey
WebPublishProcedure oVoidKey
WebPublishProcedure oGiftRcptKey

Procedure OnLoad
Send AddKeyHandler (RefProc(oOpenTillKey)) 79 True False False //O OPEN till caps
Send AddKeyHandler (RefProc(oCloseTillKey)) 90 True False False //Z Close Till caps
Send AddKeyHandler (RefProc(oSaleKey)) 83 False False False //s sale
Send AddKeyHandler (RefProc(oChargeKey)) 67 False False False //c charge
Send AddKeyHandler (RefProc(oUnholdKey)) 85 False False False //u unhold
Send AddKeyHandler (RefProc(oQuoteKey)) 81 False False False //q quote
Send AddKeyHandler (RefProc(oReprintKey)) 82 False False False //r reprint
Send AddKeyHandler (RefProc(oVoidKey)) 86 False False False //v void caps this?
Send AddKeyHandler (RefProc(oGiftRcptKey)) 71 False False False //g giftreceipt

Samuel Pizarro
30-Aug-2024, 07:39 PM
Another approach you could use as well ti minimize the number os methods to be webpublished , would have a single one with a case logic based on iKey parameter.

single method, single webpublished that handles all of those keys.

1-Sep-2024, 09:40 AM
This is actually in the On_Key doc (https://docs.dataaccess.com/dataflexhelp/mergedProjects/LanguageReference/On_key_Command.htm).

I swear I read that page a dozen times, probably assuming anything new would be at the bottom rather than in the second paragraph.

Irony is that I'm always complaining nobody reads what I write either...

Thanks guys

2-Sep-2024, 11:06 AM
Another approach you could use as well ti minimize the number os methods to be webpublished , would have a single one with a case logic based on iKey parameter.

single method, single webpublished that handles all of those keys.

Thanks Samuel, yeah, thought of that, once I'd cut and pasted n times.... :cool:

I will be converting to something like that, I'm just at the 'proof of concept stage' and deciding what needs a top-level tile. I intend to build the skeleton POS and delegate the various stages to the other devs to convert from the fairly-well-structured character mode code.

So I was adding a tile at a time, then the associated shortcut and stuff as I went.

It's funny, having done very little webapp stuff but (just about) got the webapp concepts in my head I keep having to remind myself these are windows objects and 'roundtrips to the server' aren't the huge concern that they are in pure webapp.